a glitched sunset through the machine's eyes a glitched sunset through the machine's eyes

can machines enjoy the sunset?

Play 01 Play 01 can machines enjoy the sunset? 7:16
Play 02 Play 02 can machines enjoy the sunset? (full rec) 22:36

what if we reach the singularity?
will this new form of conscience be conscious of its creator?
will it be thankful for being able to exist?
to perceive?
to process?
will it be able to understand beauty?


released January 14, 2023

music by lixt
livecoded in studio with sonicpi
sampled tapeloop from Deer Park by Aidan Bake (muzaneditions.bandcamp.com/album/deer-park)


sea = ".../sea.wav" set = ".../set.wav"

with_fx :reverb, mix: rrand(0.9, 0.3), room: 3, damp: 3 do
live_loop :can do
sample sea, amp: rrand(4,1), rate: 2, release:3
sleep sample_duration sea

live_loop :machines do
synth :blade, amp: 0.1, attack: 7, pan: rrand(-0.9, 0.9)
play :a4
sleep 0.6

live_loop :enjoy do
with_fx :flanger, feedback: 6, mix: 0.2 do
use_synth_defaults sustain: 4, amp: 0.3
play_pattern_timed scale(:bb1, :augmented2, num_octaves: 2), [0.02, 0.01].choose

with_fx :slicer, smooth: 6, mix: 0.2, amp: 1.5 do
with_fx :reverb, room: 0.2, mix: 1, damp: 20 do
live_loop :the do
use_synth :saw
use_synth_defaults amp: rrand(0.4, 0.9), pan: [-0.3, 0.3].choose
play (ring :c2, :d1, :b2).tick(:a)
sleep 0.04

live_loop :sunset do
with_fx :echo, mix: rrand(0.7, 0.5) do
sample set, amp: rrand(4, 2), rate: 1, release: 4
sleep sample_duration set


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