an image of a fireplace made of bricks in a depressive last night of the year an image of a fireplace made of bricks in a depressive last night of the year

last day of pain

Play 01 Play 01 last day of pain 11:36

this work was created in a one shot recording to be part of January's 2023 iteration of The Asynchronous Drone Orchestra project by Chelidon Frame (

it was the perfect timing to mix a new approach to live coding (yet to be fully explored) with the creative burst of the last day of a year. you can check CF's work on mixing this track with ten more collaborations from other incredible composers at


released February 2, 2023

music by lixt
livecoded in studio with threnoscope
field recording by lixt


~drones.createDrone(\sine, -1, name: \d1, freq: 29, length: 360, env: 10)
~drones.createDrone(\sine, 2, name: \d2, freq: 44, length: 200, speed: 3, env: 10)
~drones.createDrone(\sine, 3, name: \d3, freq: 174, length: 100, speed: 9, env: 10)
~drones.createChord(\tri, \minorAdd9, 0, note: "F", octave: 1, env: 20, name: \c1)
~c1.amp_(0.3, 10)
~c1.note_("F", 10)
~c1.relOctave = -1
~d2.amp_(0.0, 15)
~d1.amp_(0.0, 15)
~d3.amp_(0.0, 15)
~d1.type =\tri
~d2.type = \tri
~d2.resonance = 30


~drones.createChord(\sine, \minor, 0, note: "B", octave: 2, env: 20, name: \c2)
~drones.createChord(\saw, \minor, 0, note: "Db", octave: 3, env: 20, name: \c4)
~c3.amp_(0.01, 15)
~c2.resonance_(30, 15)
~c4.amp_(0.02, 15)
~c4.type =\sine
~drones.createSatellites(\saw, \minor, note: "Ab", amp: 0.3, name: \s1)
~s1.num_(60, 60)
~s1.note_("F", 10)
~s1.tonic_(2, 10)
~s1.speed = {rrand(-10, 10)}
~s1.length_(20, 10)
~s1.amp_(0.4, 20)

~s2.amp(0.6, 30)

~drones.createSatellites(\tri, \minor, note: "F", amp: 0.02, name: \s2, octave: 4, length: 1)
~s2.num = 200
~s2.speed = {rrand(-20, 30)}
~s2.length_(15, 30)
~s2.harmonics = {rrand(2, 20)}

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